Thursday, June 11, 2009

BLACK Bigots Are Getting To Me: And Its Killing Their Own.

Rev. Wright does it again. He HATES Jews. He doesn't mind saying it as he did to the Daily Press after his sermon at the Hampton University Ministers' Conference:

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office," Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News (I heard it on the news, and found it here on Huffington Post).

DUDE, why would Obama want to talk to you? You are a BIGOT that will undo much of what he is trying to accomplish, and give the GOP Bigots plenty of ammo to fight anything he tries.

My bigotry is showing its nasty head, but it only shows itself toward bigots. It is the only Prejudice that I have (I think). The worst bigots for me is any minority preaching HATE toward another minority AND we have had too many Black preachers, & Black Gays, spouting HATE toward Jews or Gays in the past several weeks (Years). It is bad enough when we have white bigots hurting us, but for me, it is worse when any minority spouts hate toward any other. WE ARE IN THE FIGHT TOGETHER, DICKHEADS!!!

The "best for them" thing that white bigots have done, is to teach minorities to hate each other. IT IS STUPID, and COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to receiving RESPECT and for Gays, keeping us from getting laws to protect us (which we have none).

FUCK YOU, Michael Henry Adams & Huffington Post for letting you, and others, preach your hate or Fucked-Up sense of superiority in the fight for Civil Rights. Adams is a Black Gay Man, telling Gays their fight "DOESN'T COMPARE" to The Black Fight or the interracial fight for marriage.

FUCK YOU, Marion Barry!!! You can sleep with Hookers on the side while doing coke, AND "Gays are ruining marriage". DICKHEAD!!!

FUCK YOU, REV. Anthony Evans!!! You should have heard this ASSHOLE on the news screaming with several other Black men that they would fight Gays and their Allies. As quoted from Huffington Post:

"The Rev. Anthony Evans, a pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Washington, said he would work to have the measure killed in Congress _ and to unseat every D.C. Council member who voted for it."

Is it INNER Hate for yourselves, like abused people passing on the abuse as someone might if they were molested as a child? Is it like the "small dick syndrome" or "little man syndrome"-Needing to scream and make yourselves heard by oppressing others in order to feel more superior and boost your fucking ego?

Whatever it is, STOP IT. It makes you a HYPOCRITE!!! It makes you a DICK!!! And it will hurt you in the end.

GAYS ARE NOT TRYING TO TAKE YOUR PLACE IN HISTORY. BUT, WE DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING RIGHTS in the law, YOU DO!!! It might be time you worked on getting people to overcome their prejudice for you, but spouting this shit ain't gonna do it.

Gays (A LIGHTs) have been with your fight all along. Bi-sexual Lincoln fought for your freedom. Gays legislators & liberals helped back you in your fight (Our "Closets" have helped you at our expense- See "Outrage"). BAYARD RUSTIN advised MLK and helped lead your movement in the 60s to victory by teaching you non-violent protest practices and organizing your marches. Bayard if you didn't know was BLACK & GAY!!!

SO SHUT THE FUCK-UP or help yourselves by being RESPECTFUL to other minorities & start helping Gays get their rights, because it will help YOU!!!


Did you know that HIV is running at epidemic levels in the Black Community. In D.C. the rate is higher than ANY African Country. Could it be that the problem Blacks have about talking about anything GAY may have something to do with it? Down-Low love & that arrogant, "Condoms are too small" idea, may be keeping you from talking about gay sex and safe sex. If you can't be comfortable talking GAY, how can you talk HIV?

What about Jaheem Herrera

and Carl Joseph Walker-Hoove,

Two 11 year old youths bullied, with gay slurs, who then committed suicide?
Gay teen suicide rate is around 6 times higher than straight kids.
Do you really want your kids to die?

If Obama were to really back and fight for an all out GAY Civil Rights Act, he could be a hero for all of us. He is gonna need to hear it from you.

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